I could talk about online business tactics or creativity, or why now is the perfect time (and why it’s imperative) that you shrug off your old skin and become the Fearless Creativepreneur you were born to be. But I’ll save those topics for another time. Right now I’m simply going to share a story with you.
A few months ago a friend of mine almost died.
She was driving late at night, around 11 p.m. when her car went over a cliff. Her car rolled several times and ended upside down at the bottom of a ravine. The car itself was totaled. The driver’s door was ripped off. The windows were totally smashed and most of the body was a shapeless lump of metal.
With almost no memory of what happened next, she somehow got herself free and got out of the car and then she walked a mile and a half, barefoot and nearly naked, in the dark of night until she found help.
Next she knew she was in a hospital. Miraculously other than a bad bump on her head she had only one other physical effect – a set of bruised underneath each arm that look exactly like fingerprints. She believes an angel lifted her out. You might of might not accept that.
But one thing is certain; she was given a 2nd chance and is making profound changes in her life – priorities are realigned.
Every day you live is a 2nd chance – to do better, to become more of you, to reach further, to use your gifts to change the world.
Now I ask you…
What are you going to do with your 2nd chance?
Because if you’re lucky, tomorrow you will get one.
Don’t wait to go over a cliff, tell us one thing in the comments below, that you are going to do with your 2nd chance.