Thriving as a HyperCreative
The ability to thrive as a hyper creative child or adult involves much more than just allowing yourself to dabble in numerous hobbies, painting a new picture, writing another book, or indulging your dreams to be other than who you are.
Life success for a hypercreative person can look very different than success for other people. That’s why it’s vital to understand what being hypercreative is all about and how to make choices that will help lead you to a happier life. BECAUSE there is a big difference between just getting by, and leading a deeply fulfilling, hypercreative, multipotential life.
But being hypercreative also presents big challenges in life and work.
We tend to label people who hop from one passion or endeavor to the next as either flighty, unfocused, and often categorize this behavior as ADHD. Certainly, a hypercreative person can also be ADHD but it’s not one and the same.
There seems to be some unwritten rule which says that we are supposed to grow up into adults who know what we want to do, what is right for us, and then do that.
In 1990, Barbara Kerr said about multipotentiality:
“The broad range of opportunities available tends to increase the complexity of decision making and goal setting…”
Barbara Kerr, Career Planning for Gifted and Talented Youth. ERIC Digest #E492
Here’s what you need to know, my hypercreative friend.
- On Acceptance
You might believe you are a failure because you aren’t happy with doing just one thing and you feel intense internal pressure to pursue new avenues. But please here this – there is nothing wrong with you. Absolutely nothing.
- On Setting the Right Goals
Your goal should not be how to put a stopper on your almost-always-on creativity, multiple passions and vivid imagination so that you can fit in. You are you. And why aim to fit in when you were born to stand out as you?
- On Making Decisions that Work for You
When you make life decisions, or daily choices, your decisions should support and allow you to better distinguish the paths with more potential for your life to improve your success and happiness, personally and professionally. What I mean is, you can do many different things (maybe not all today) so aim to make choices that give you options.
Being hypercreative is not a weakness no matter what anyone else says. You can make being a hypercreative multipotential person your greatest asset.
If you are a Hypercreative person, you are a unique breed. You are blessed with multiple passions and you are an adaptable, curious, fast learner who can become proficient and successful in countless areas.
That’s the good news.
But as you’ve likely already learned, being hypercreative also presents big challenges in life and work.
If you are hypercreative you might find it challenging to focus on one thing long enough to experience success. This week you might want to be a freelance writer and next week you might want to start a food truck business that serves wood-fired pizza.
For the true hyper-creative, at any given time, day or night, creative ideas pop randomly into your mind. And from the outside to people who wonder how to be creative at all, this would seem to be a great thing.
But living hypercreative can feel differently that great on the inside. The truth is your hyper-creative mind can run you ragged. You chase after a lot of these ideas but you rarely complete the project on hand because you often ditch it for your next great idea. Because in your gut you really feel like this next idea is THE ONE that will keep you interested and ultimately lead you to success.
But over time you’re just not getting any closer to real success.
You keep starting over and your bills are telling you that you might have to go back to a “regular” job and that idea makes you feel sick inside. Because you know it means creative death.
So what do you do? How can you turn your hyper creative mind into an instrument of success rather than something that makes you wish you were just a little more like other people who seem to find their one calling and happily stick with it?
Hypercreative Success Starts Here
There is one thing that I want to make abundantly clear to you right now. I said it above and I’m saying it again. If you get nothing else out of this; if you never read another word I write, PLEASE take this to heart and know it to be true:
There is nothing wrong with you.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Your hyper-creative mind is not like other people’s minds and that’s great because all your creative urges are a manifestation of who you are on the most basic level.
Here are 3 Steps, to help you on your hypercreative journey.
Step 1 to Hyper Creative Success
Accept yourself for who you are. Sounds basic, but in reality you’ve probably spent your entire life being told, in words or looks, that there is something wrong with you. People might have said:
- You need to stop following all your whims
- Why can’t you pick one thing and stick with it?
- Sit down and focus and get this (boring) job done
When you get told those things over and over you internalize it and believe that there is truly something wrong with you. Then you have an internal battle raging between what the world wants you to be and who you really are.
No ultimate success comes to those who are not being themselves.
So, let’s get past the notion that you are somehow less than great just as you are. The fact that your mind works differently than most of the people you know, the fact that family, teachers, friends, and coworkers have at various times torn you down, is something you need to shrug off and move past. And this is really important because…
We need you just the way you are.
The highly creative world we now live in is in more and more need of people just like you, because change is coming at an ever-increasing pace. And you are equipped to not only deal with it, but to THRIVE in it. This is your time. We all have powerful tools that can respond to our every whim (the Internet) and becoming an entrepreneur or self-made XYX has never been easier.
Step 2 to Hyper Creative Success
Who Am I to Say This to You?
I am like you. I am hyper-creative and mult-talented and after years of struggling with it have finally learned how to make this wonderful hypercreativeness work for me. And you can too. I’d love to help you find the level of success you deserve so you can change the world as you were meant to do.

Karen Daniels Speaking at the California Gifted Conference 2013
Here’s a secret. If you cherish your brain, so will the world.
There is some basic information, tips, and tricks of the hyper creative trade that I would love to share with you so you don’t have to spend as many years as I did trying to find the path that works for you. I want you to create a life you are excited about; a life you can REMAIN excited about, and work that allows you to use your hyper creative brain rather than stifling it.
I’m telling you:
- You that you have to pick just one thing and stick with it
- You don’t have to stop messing around and get serious
- You don’t need to do what other people are doing
Karen’s down-to-earth sensibility and energetic, no-BS attitude are exactly what I needed to jumpstart my business. She helped me to finally begin to understand my hyper-creative nature, and to overcome the fears and anxieties that were holding me back in life. If you make too many bad decisions with your business, which hyper creative people can do, then chances are your business will fail. That’s why you need someone in your corner who has been there, understands you, and knows what it takes to turn your biggest failure into your greatest comeback. I will forever be indebted to Karen. ONWARD TO VICTORY! Jim Kim, Owner,
Step 3 to Hyper Creative Success
- Read this all again. And every time you need to hear it, or you doubt yourself, or someone tears you down because you’re, yet again, craving something new and feel bad about it.
I know what it’s like to struggle because the ideas come so fast and furious you can’t keep up with yourself. You will find your way. I believe in you.
About Karen. I am a single mother to 3 teens, an author (10 books and counting), editor, and I run my copywriting business. In the past I have been a speaker on creativity for parents of gifted children, and contribute my knowledge on parenting gifted children. I teach and train children and adults in martial artsand and I aim to live fearlessly. I hate age barriers, or any other kind of barriers.
And if you need to know, I also have a ton of credentials and formal training under my belt.
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But more important than all of that…
- I am happy
- I am living the hypercreative life I want
- I get to tackle a variety of creative work on a regular basis
- I make good money and pay my bills without struggle
- and frankly, am having a great time doing it all.
That’s what I wish for you, too.
Questions about Hypercreavitity? Ask me.